What does good housekeeping have to do with safety? it wouldn't be a stretch to say everything! From cuts and scrapes to slips, trips, and falls, poor housekeeping is one of the major causes of people injuries. When good housekeeping practices are in place, workplace (also home) hazards can be reduced. Good housekeeping can also do more than just reduce hazards, it can save time and increase productivity.
Maintain your daily housekeeping tasks by following these tips:
-Wipe up spills immediately
-Stack materials neatly. Place heave or bulky items on the bottom
-Keep cabinet doors and drawers closed when not in use
-Return equipment and tools to their proper place after use
-Properly dispose of waste and scrap materials
-Keep floors free from clutter
-Keep stairs, aisles, and walkways clear
-Ensure that exits are clearly marked and free from obstructions
-Ensure that tools, especially those with sharp edges or pointed tips, are stored properly when not in use
-Keep sprinkler heads and fire extinguishers free of obstruction
-Place warning signs, such as Caution--Wet Floor, whenever necessary.
-Make sure that power cords and cables are not scattered across the floor where they can become tripping hazards.
-Store flammable materials in their proper containers
Now stop and take a look around you; does your area meet the standards above..?
Keep smiling.........
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